
Spring Party

Spring is a great time to be outdoors, so we gather together to mark the beginning of a new year of friendship and camaraderie with each other and the pipe band. Open bar, of course, is provided.

Golf Tournament

Since Scotland is the home to the game of golf, what better way to celebrate than by Kilting Up and playing 18 holes of (mostly) friendly team competition. The Tournament is usually played in conjunction with Heritage Night.

Heritage Night

This evening event is when we share a great meal and learn more about our ancestral home from guest speakers. Lads only event.

Annual Meeting

We gather each December over lunch, usually at the Country Club of Birmingham, to review the year and elect our officers for the coming year. It is also when the Heritage Award is presented.


The culminating event of the year is marked by performances from The Ian Sturrock Memorial Pipe Band, a sumptuous feast, greetings from all of the clans, and a remembrance of members we have lost during the year. You can then dance the night away to a live band.

Kirkin' o' The Tartan

A very Scottish tradition of having your family tartan blessed during a special church service. We gather as a group in Scottish attire at the church attended by that year’s President, usually along with our Pipe Major.

Family Luncheon

Following the Kirkin’ members and their families gather to continue the fellowship and good tidings over a great lunch buffet.